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Share Point Services: How can we help your business?

SharePoint has enjoyed phenomenal success across all sectors since it was introduced by Microsoft more than 10 years ago. In 2011 reported that the number of SharePoint users had been growing by 20,000 per day since 2006 and rates of adoption show no sign of slowing.

However to achieve maximum value, migrations, upgrades and enhancements must be well planned and carefully considered how best to address the business needs. All too often companies attempt to ‘go it alone’ or engage third parties who do not have a deep and broad understanding of the issues involved. Usually this leads to budgets over-running and business requirements poorly met.

At TEKGRIDS we specialise in delivering Sharepoint solutions for business of all sizes. From full implementations and migrations to minor customisations; we are happy to work with businesses whatever their size or needs.

Our services include:
  • SharePoint upgrades and migrations
  • SharePoint managed support
  • SharePoint design & development
  • Sharepoint Office 365 (Cloud) services
  • SharePoint Integration with other systems (e.g SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, CRM or other business applications)
At TEKGRIDS, we have the knowledge and experience that allows us to deliver exactly what you need when you need it.
Over the years we’ve been involved in a wide range of customer SharePoint projects delivering the following benefits:
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased profitability and compliance
  • Better decision making
  • Better return on existing Sharepoint investment
  • Improved control of business processes
  • Good adoption by workforce
With SharePoint 2013, Microsoft have listened to their customers and delivered a raft of new features which address many of the concerns highlighted by users of earlier versions of SharePoint. It is now easier than ever before to reduce costs, manage risks and improve innovation, agility and communication within an organisation.
Some of the major requests from users were:
  • Reduce costs of deploying and supporting SharePoint
  • Improve user interface
  • Easier insertion of media, such as audio and video, into SharePoint sites
  • Better built in social functionality
  • Improved search options and results
  • Greater compatibility with mobile devices

As employees use an increasingly diverse number of web enabled devices within the workplace, it’s important that an organisations systems can deliver the content in the formats these items require, as this can help improve user adoption. Older versions of SharePoint were not designed to support mobile responsive websites and had limited built in social functionality.
By choosing to upgrade to SharePoint 2013 you will:
  • Get all the productivity gains delivered by the new features mentioned above.
  • Ensure you have the best support for the latest web browsers and mobile devices.
  • Have better access to SharePoint expertise. Generally SharePoint professionals will be most familiar with the latest version of the product.
  • Keep future upgrade costs down. It’s always more costly to upgrade across multiple versions.
Organizations leverage our SOA and web services driven application development to streamline their processes and adapt to changing business needs and competitive landscape. Our standards-based approach promotes interoperability in today’s heterogeneous computing environment and integrates the legacy systems for enhanced business performance.

Possessing comprehensive capabilities and extensive cross-industry experience in application development, TEKGRIDS:
  • Offers a suite of application development services encompassing object-oriented applications, web applications, client server applications, mobile applications and legacy applications modernization & extensions
  • Builds and deploys next generation, highly scalable and extensible software applications and systems which can help you achieve strategic IT and business objectives
  • Has a creative and experienced team of programmers and consultants who are proficient in Microsoft, Java, Oracle, IBM, Open Source, Mobility technologies as well as cloud computing, social computing, big data, cross platform development and so forth to develop a complete custom application that meets your customer business needs across industries and domains
  • Provides custom solutions on various third party products like Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle EBS, Microsoft SharePoint, Alfresco, Pentaho, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Liferay, Salesforce, SugarCRM, and vTiger
  • Helps you derive high business value from your IT spends

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